Hiring Marketing Talent
Hiring a Marketing Consultant
You pay for what you get...
You do not have any of the hiring costs...
With some marketing consultants you can hire a complete marketing department...
The marketing consultant brings with him a dimension of outside-in thinking...

Why Companies Don't Market
No matter what a company's excuse is for not investing in Marketing Talent to create Marketing Programs, the reasons behind the excuse are usually the same.
The company's management has a predisposition against marketing programs. All too many executives don't understand the difference between marketing and sales. They consider marketing and communications programs not vital to their selling process. They believe the only way to sell their products is the old fashioned way, with salesmanship selling face to face. They can't understand positioning and the real purpose of marketing. The company's management sees itself as the market. All too many executives view the market as if they were a typical buyer. If a marketing program doesn't fit with the executive's perception of the market place, the marketing program will not work. This is a typical inside-out thinking mistake. The company's management gets lost fighting short term fires. All too often executives find themselves without the time or resources to devote to long term marketing plans. Time spent on immediate operational problems takes away from the time that they should devote to planning for their company's future. The company's management develops a nearsighted attitude. The company's management does not see marketing as an investment. All too often executives see marketing programs as an expense rather than an investment. They have a misconception with advertising. They also feel that each element of a marketing program should produce immediate results. If it doesn't, they should drop that element of the program. They lack basic understanding of advertising and what a marketing program accomplishes. The company's management must put their own mark on a marketing program and the communications. All too many executives feel that they must develop their own marketing programs. They won't consider programs developed outside the company. When they do look outside, they make short sighted changes to the program to compensate for their own thinking. All too often these changes are for the sake of change rather than improvement. They often change individual and unimportant words in communications text for ego reasons rather than marketing reasons. The company's management can't separate strategy and execution of marketing programs. All too often executives get lost in discussing how they will carry out a program. They totally forget that someone developed a marketing program for a specific goal. And, analyzing how to carry out the individual steps of the program become more important to them than the program itself. The company's management has a general lack of guts and confidence. All too often executives find themselves unable to decide what to do. They simply don't know how to go about developing and carrying out marketing programs. Their answer usually becomes "We'll wait and see what happens."
So, Ask yourself... When business is bad, do I have the guts to increase my sales and marketing budget? Would I tell my salesmen to get out of the office and travel more? And, do I have the guts to make an investment in marketing programs for my company's future when cash is so scarce? When business is good, do I have the foresight to reinvest my profits back into my company for future growth? Could I strengthen my long term position? When I am good at what I do, do I have the insight to admit there might be someone better? Would that person help and provide me with an objective viewpoint? Would I call upon that person to help me develop and carry out my marketing programs?
Marketing Supports Sales Efforts
When it comes to Marketing and Sales, your sales force is not your marketing force. Sales and marketing are separate functions. The role of marketing is not to make sales. It is to create the right conditions so the company can make more sales. In some cases, marketing will give support so the sales force is more effective. Other times, it is to provide leads.The most important point to recognize is that marketing creates a pre-existing climate so prospective customers want to do business with you. Marketing helps keep the customer coming back. And, it opens the door to new customers. Marketing makes sales easier. They both are an important part of a company's long-term success. Always know the difference. Then you can answer.
Why Directory Programs?
Why PR Programs?
Why Direct Mail Programs?
Why Advertising Programs?
Just a few good reasons...........
To pave the way for salespeople.
To get behind doors that are closed to your salespeople.
To keep telling your story to new personnel.
To activate consumer advertising.
To give the trade an up-to-date picture of your company.
To create nationwide excitement about your product.
To reach all buying influences in a company.
To introduce new products.
To let you tell your story exactly the way you want it told.
To bolster the morale of your sales force.
To keep customers sold between in-person sales calls.
To free your expensive sales personnel from time-consuming cold calls. To reach a lot of people for a relatively small amount of money.
To let you tell a timely story while it's still hot news.
To make regular calls on customers and prospects.
To check gossip and correct false rumors.
To tell customers about new developments, facilities, etc.
To get to top management without stepping on toes.
To reduce the time and cost of personal selling.
To add weight and authority to your words by making them part of the public record.
To maintain your contact with small accounts which are unprofitable to call on in person.
To introduce new ideas.
To synchronize personal sales, promotion, and advertising efforts in other media with good timing.
To sell future markets.
To put you in a preferred position with resources.
© 1996-2021 by Mark Goff Marketing Consultant