Marketing That Means Business
Mark Goff is the Marketing Consultant that really Means Business to your Business. He is one of the few marketing consultants that specialize in developing and implementing results-oriented marketing programs for manufacturers. As an outsourced marketing consultant, Mark Goff provides what few other consultants can ... a technical degree with the added dimension and know-how to implement aggressive marketing programs that produce results. His lead generating programs are known to produce substantial quantities of qualified sales leads. Mr. Goff maintains a base office in Mountain Home, Arkansas (in the tranquility of the Ozark Mountains). He has held positions which include Executive Vice President of a prominent national advertising agency and marketing firm. He was President of his own manufacturing and marketing firm. He held the position of Vice President of a national manufacturer of controls. And, he was also Manager of Consumer Products for an international manufacturing company. Working with all aspects of multi-channel product distribution for manufacturing companies, he performs his marketing consulting practice on an international basis. He selectively accepts new clients based on products manufactured and personal interview.

More than a Marketing Consultant...
Mark Goff actually implements marketing programs. He can function as your leased or outsourced marketing department with a staff of associates for a complete turnkey effort. Mark Goff has held key positions in a variety of compamies.
Services Include
Marketing Strategies and Plans.
Manufacturers' Representative Networks.
Customer Service Department Training.
New Business Opportunities.Positioning.
Cost Effective Sales Leads. Trade Shows.
Sales Programs and Promotions.
Advertising Agency Interface.
Market Research.
Key Account Efforts & Trouble Shooting.
And... Sales Tools and Literature.
Through a consultant, the marketing talent often associated with and obtainable only by larger companies becomes affordable to smaller and mid-sized companies. Larger companies can get the professional marketing talent without the long term cost and commitment related to hiring a full time marketing employee.
Think about it...
Your Sales Force is not your Marketing Force.
Marketing Makes Sales Easier.
That's why you invest in Marketing Programs
© 1996-2021 by Mark Goff Marketing Consultant